Monday, September 01, 2008


oj oj oj ud 3bln gw di Indo, jd ga pernah nulis blog lg,mpe lupa hehehe td pas baca postingan yg gw bikin trakhir jd malu hehehe soalny that man now yg gw blng no future,yg gw bilang I can't imagine my future with skg jd org yg slalu gw pikirin all day long :p, jadi malu yeah finally I'm dating with him till now and since I'm in Indonesia we have an long distance Relationship hehehehe,,jd maluu, jd nyesel,, yup he can make me smile,laugh,crying,crazy,mad,and can forgive everything he did and didn't care bout his past and his future as long as he really serious with me,,thanks God ini yang namany ketula toh hahaha jd malu pas baca liat ad tulisan Thanks God for giving me great Logic hahahaha apa karena gw di Indonesia shingga skg hati nurani gw lebih kuat di banding logika gw beda saat gw berusaha survive hidup di Swedia dmn itu mengharuskan Logika gw yg berpikir tanpa hati nurani tp so far gw masih menggunakan hati nurani gw,krn I am really in love with Anton (my little man) I miss him so much it's so hard to try to forget about my little man,and I really hope that I have one more chance to meet anton gw masih punya utang sama dia gw mo beliin jam tangan hehehe.damn I will start crying if I remember every moment in Sweden when I remember Anton and that man :p I really miss them so much even I miss Johan and Janne even I'm not really like them :p,,I just wish I can survive more until I can meet that man. I don't know when I will forget everything there but I wish I can survive with my life's so hard back to reallity because in Sweden more like a sweet dream for me but back to Indonesia it's real,hard live goes on gw percaya everything happen 4 a reason :) wish I can get the great reason in everything I did..I hope..Amien :)

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